The Magic Moon Lenormand


This set of workbook and 2 decks— one regular and one mini is a unique design feature for this combo. The different size decks offer a choice of either for smaller readings, but for the Grand Tableau, the larger deck is laid out in sequence as the Houses and the smaller deck is shuffled and laid out on top, leaving the relevant information of the Houses available. The card illustrations are clear, simple and easily recognizable on a black background that represents the mystery out of which everything arises. Included in the logo at the top of each card, is the name of the card and its associated playing card. To make the connection with the playing deck easily recognizable for added layers of information, the border designs are color coded— yellow, blue, green and pink— described and explained in the book. Interpretations of the cards is contemporary and egalitarian, revising the patriarchal tenor of the traditional Lenormand.

SKU: BDC-MML Category:


This set of workbook and 2 decks— one regular and one mini is a unique design feature for this combo. The different size decks offer a choice of either for smaller readings, but for the Grand Tableau, the larger deck is laid out in sequence as the Houses and the smaller deck is shuffled and laid out on top, leaving the relevant information of the Houses available. The card illustrations are clear, simple and easily recognizable on a black background that represents the mystery out of which everything arises. Included in the logo at the top of each card, is the name of the card and its associated playing card. To make the connection with the playing deck easily recognizable for added layers of information, the border designs are color coded— yellow, blue, green and pink— described and explained in the book. Interpretations of the cards is contemporary and egalitarian, revising the patriarchal tenor of the traditional Lenormand.