Celebrate diversity and sanctify life
South African born, Heather Mendel is The Disobedient Kabbalist. Mystic, artist, author and intuitive reader, she is drawn to the call of the mystical where myth and metaphor reside, where we connect deeply to Divinity and divination. Nothing is as it appears. Are you willing to delve beneath the surface and the superficial?
Heather as Artist Heather as Author Heather as Intuitive Reader
- Our lives are an evolving tapestry of our beliefs, some revealed, others concealed. Are you ready to welcome the intuitive into your life?
- To the gently pulsing rhythm of the cosmos, The Sacred Feminine is rising and throughout the world women are feeling the resonance. The Sacred Masculine is stirring in response as the dance of synthesis celebrates our diversity in the evolution of human consciousness. Are you ready to dance?
- Coincidence is Divinity’s way of remaining anonymous as synchronicity abounds and serendipity reinvests enchantment in our lives. Are you ready for the magic?
Are you ready?

Heather was recently featured in an article at ReformJudaism.org: Kabbalah, Tarot, and Delving into Mystical Judaism
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- The Syzygy Oracle: Transformative Tarot and The Tree of Life
- Eve, The Sacred Feminine and Evolving Consciousness
- The New Eve: Key to empowerment, healing and hope
- Truth and Reconciliation: from apartheid to the celebration of diversity